Posts tagged meat glue
Naked Chicken Chalupa

I got a lot of requests for it, so I decided to try my hand at the naked chicken chalupa from Taco Bell. I hadn’t had one of these before you guys asked for it, so I went out and got one to try. For those who have never had one, it’s a “taco”, [I know it’s technically a chalupa], but instead of using a tortilla for the shell, the tortilla is just a chicken breast.

It was honestly OK, but I think we can definitely improve it a little, and the version I ended up with was tasty, juicy, and crisp. Hey Taco Bell, hit me up if you wanna collab!

So, let’s make essentially what amounts to a chicken sandwich sans the bun. And in doing so, I’ll have the chance to experiment with some meat glue!

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