Kraft Mac n Cheese Ice Cream


I was preoccupied with whether or not I could, and didn’t stop to think if I should…

As you may know, Kraft just released a mac-n-cheese-flavor ice cream, and as it’s been sold out everywhere, let’s just make some ourselves.

I expected this ice cream to be a crime against humanity, but honestly, it somehow really works. And as it turns out, it’s extremely simple to make. So let’s do it!


  • 2 boxes Kraft Mac n Cheese

  • 2 1/2 cups whole milk

  • 1 1/4 cups sugar

  • 3 cups heavy cream

  • A little cooking oil

Cook the cheese


First thing’s first: we are going to need 2 boxes of Kraft Mac n Cheese, which will make about 1 quart of ice cream. If you want your ice cream to be more cheesy than mine, feel free to add another box or two. When pulling out the cheese packets, be sure not to throw away the noodles - we will save those for something a little bit later.

If you live outside of North America and can’t find the Kraft Mac n Cheese (I’m sorry for your loss), check out my video on how to make Kraft Mac n Cheese from scratch. 

Heat up ½ cup of milk, add the cheese packets in and cook until they bubble slowly. We have to cook these a little to ensure the starch in the cheese packets is properly cooked.

Make it Sweet


Add in 1 and 1/4 cups of sugar and mix it thoroughly into the heated milk, ensuring that it dissolves properly. 

Pour the thickened cheesy sugary mess into a bowl and add 2 cups of whole milk.

Lastly, add 3 cups of heavy cream.

Mix all of this stuff up thoroughly and place it into the fridge to cool down completely.

Freeze the Cream

Once the cream is cold, set up your ice cream maker, pour in the cream, and turn it on. If you don’t have a machine, check out my video on how to make ice cream without a machine.

20 minutes later, the ice cream should have thickened considerably, and should almost look like a milkshake. Turn the machine off and put the ice cream into a storage container to let freeze completely - this should take anywhere from 2 and 8 hours.

Time for noodles


While the ice cream freezes let’s look at the noodles. If you are feeling a little extra, heat up some neutral oil to 350 F or 180 C and toss in about half a cup of noodles. Let them fry for about 20 seconds and then place them onto a paper towel.

Bring it all together


Once the ice cream is frozen, serve it up with the fried noodles on top and bam we are done!

It almost reminds me of a combination between an evaporated or sweetened condensed milk flavor, and a bit of a salty caramel flavor. It’s honestly worth doing, it just works!

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Condensed Recipe:

  • Cook two packets of cheese in 1/2 a cup of milk until it bubbles

  • Add 1 1/4 cups sugar until it dissolves

  • Add the rest of the milk and cream

  • Fridge it, until it's cold

  • Put it into the ice cream maker

  • Fry up the noodles for 20 secs to top your bowl of ice cream


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