Milchschnitte - German "Milk Slice"


Creamy German Cake

So one of those super underrated german snacks that really seem to exist outside of Europe are Milchschnitte, or in English “Milk slice”. It’s a snack made by the Kinder company, where is basically a thin layer of chocolate cake with a honey-flavored whip creamish filling. Now the Europeans here will notice that my Milchschnitte is a bit thick, which is totally true, and I will get into where I went astray. However, this thing was still extremely delicious and still would recommend it

Making whip cream filling


Alrighty, the first thing we want to do is make the filling. Now the filling of these things is essentially just whipped cream, but as you may know, whipped cream isn’t really stable and will begin to deflate after a few minutes, not really what we are going for here.

( Side note, if you are interested in knowing why whip cream and all sorts of foams collapse over time, be sure to check out my science of foams video.)

To keep this foam stable, in this video, I am going to be using gelatin, which is the original way of making this, although if you are vegetarian, there are some other really effective methods for stabilizing whipped cream, such as using powdered sugar or starch.

So to use the gelatin, we are first going to need to activate it. To do this, we are going to add 3.5 grams or 1/2 a packet of gelatin powder to about 2-3 tablespoons of hot milk. Whisk the mix up until the gelatin dissolves into the milk. Set this off to the side, and let’s work on the cream component.

We are going to need 400 ml or about 1.75 cups of heavy cream. Now, to be honest, this was a little too much, and I could have probably scaled this back to 300 mL, or about 1.5 cups, although It’s not the end of the world to have a little extra filling. To give this a nice flavor, we are going to add half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.

As we learned from the Dalgona coffee video, another thing that can help stabilize foams is sugar, and ours is coming in the form of honey. I am using about a quarter cup of honey for this large amount of whip cream, but feel free to adjust the amount to suit your own level of sweetness. Honestly, I prefer when these things aren’t clawingly sweet, but in the end, it’s really up to you. At this point go ahead and add our hopefully cooled down gelatin milk and mix it in and begin whisking, or add it in somewhere in the middle because I almost forgot. Begin whisking this, until it forms stiff peaks like this. This took me about 2 minutes. Once whipped, let’s toss this into the fridge for the gelatin to set, roughly 45 minutes or longer.

Making The Cake Component

Ok, now we can begin working on the cakey sandwich part of this. For that, we are going to need to separate 4 eggs. To the egg yolks add 1/2 cup sugar, stir, Add a 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract, and a shake of salt. Then we need to add two tablespoons of milk. Lastly, let’s add 100 grams or a cup of flour and 30 grams or a quarter cup of cocoa powder. Stir until the flour is juuust mixed in.

Once it’s mixed, set it off to the side. Take the egg whites and whip em, whipem good. Whip them until we get to this stage, where they are nice and fluffy. At which point we can fold in our chocolate batter. We want to be gentle here, and try to preserve as many of the bubbles in the egg whites as possible. Once it’s mixed we can move on and bake this


Pour this onto a lined greased baking tray and this my friend is where I made my crucial mistake. The original Milchschnitte is actually quite thin, and mine came out ‘dummy thicc’. I originally poured mine out onto a 12 * 16 ‘‘ baking sheet, but then second-guessed my self and went for a smaller tray ('9”x12”). Either will work, but it will give you entirely different thicknesses. To get a version of Milchschnitte closer to the original, I recommend using a 12’’ x 16’’ baking tray, but honestly, it will still come out good even if you use a smaller tray and end up with a thicker Milchschnitte.

Ok now place the batter into a preheated 350 F (176 C) oven, and we aren’t going to cook this long, only about 10 minutes. At which point take it out and check on it. It should be set, if it isn’t pop it back in and let it cook for a few more minutes. Once it’s cooked, we can pull it out of the oven and place it onto a place to cool down. We want this thing to cool to room temp, or it will melt our whip cream filling.

Final Assembly


Once it is cool, we can go ahead and spread said filling. Now we also need to cut this giant thing in half, but I got super excited and started spreading the filling before doing that. So you can see me here fixing my mistake. Now just spread the filling and place the other top on.

Now we need to cut this into smaller pieces. One piece of advice here is don’t try to cut both layers of cake at the same time, or you will squeeze the layers pushing the filling out. Instead, cut the top piece of cake, and then cut the bottom. It actually works out pretty well. Now it’s up to you how large you want these pieces to be, mine are about twice the length of normal Milchschnitte.

Once we have cut our pieces, that’s it! I hope you enjoyed this recipe!


Condensed Recipe:


Whipped Cream Filling:

  • 3.5 grams or 1/2 a packet of gelatin powder

  • 2-3 tablespoons of hot milk

  • 1.75 cups [400 mL] of Heavy cream

  • 1/4 cup [85 grams] of Honey

  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Chocolate cakes:

  • 4 eggs separated

  • 1/2 cup [80 grams] of sugar

  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • shake of salt

  • 2 tablespoons of milk

  • 1 cup [100 grams] all-purpose flour

  • 1/4 cup [30 grams] cocoa powder


  1. Start with the filling. Bloom gelatin in hot milk, set off to the side to cool.

  2. Add cooled gelatin, vanilla extract and honey to heavy cream to a bowl, and whip. Refrigerate for 45 minutes or longer.

  3. Separate egg yolks and whites. To the yolks, add sugar, vanilla extract salt milk, flour, and cocoa powder and mix.

  4. Whip egg whites, til nice and frothy. Fold in chocolate batter, trying not to deflate the egg white mixture.

  5. Pour onto a greased lined 12’’ x 16’’ (30.5 x 40.5 cm) baking tray, and bake in a preheated 350 F (176C) oven for 10 minutes.

  6. Let the cake cool to room temp.

  7. Once cool, cut in half, add the filling, and stack the other half on. Carefully slice into little cakeletts and that’s it!
