Posts in Dessert
How to make Chocolate - Bean to Bar

Alright let’s go from cacao pod to chocolate bar today on this super-intensive video.

I am not going to lie, although this was a lot of fun, it was also a lot of hard work.

In total, this process took me over 2 months, not because the process takes this long, but because I messed up a few times had to start over, as well as deal with some week-long camera issues that didn’t allow me to film. However in my folly, I learned a lot, and I hope to pass what I learned on so you don’t make the same pitfalls I did.

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How to make Turkish Delights

Alrighty, today let’s make some Turkish delights or Lokum. Fun fact, these confections were apparently what inspired the creation of jelly beans, so it seems like a pretty ideal time to make dive into it. In North America, these are typically sold with red food coloring and rosewater as the flavoring, but they actually come in a variety of flavors. The versions I went with today are flavored with vanilla, almond, and pistachio and I covered in coconut, but I’ll give you some tips if you want to change the flavor

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Milchschnitte - German "Milk Slice"

So one of those super underrated german snacks that really seem to exist outside of Europe are Milchschnitte, or in English “Milk slice”. It’s a snack made by the Kinder company, where is basically a thin layer of chocolate cake with a honey-flavored whip creamish filling. Now the Europeans here will notice that my Milchschnitte is a bit thick, which is totally true, and I will get into where I went astray. However, this thing was still extremely delicious and still would recommend it

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Strawberry Milk from Fresh Strawberries

Today I want to show you how to make strawberry milk from fresh strawberries. I remember drinking the nestle strawberry milk made from syrup from my childhood, and I thought this stuff would be impossible to make, well, it turns out to be really simple. It almost tastes like one of those strawberry shortcake ice cream pops. The recipe is really just three ingredients. Most recipes I found online, said to heat the strawberries over the stovetop. This isn't the best idea, cooking strawberries not only changes the flavor but also leads to a browning due to complex enzymatic reactions. This will lead to strawberry milk with a pretty gross color, so I was able to work out a method that created a delicious strawberry milk with the proper pastel pink color.

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Gooey Melty Giant Peanut Butter Cups

There used to be a really amazing restaurant in Tucson called Bumsted's. They made these super delicious decadent peanut butter and brownie cups, they would then heat these things up and the whole thing would be just the most amazing melty mess. Tasting just like a giant Reese's Peanut Butter cup. I was able to reach out and get the recipe and was given permission to share it with all of you guys. I hope you guys enjoy this simple and delicious dessert recipe as much as I do.

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